Technical Working Group Meeting, June 2019


Date: 19th June, 2019

  • Aidan Heerdegen (AH) CLEX, Andrew Kiss (AK)  COSIMA, ANU
  • Russ Fiedler (RF), Matt Chamberlain(MC) CSIRO Hobart
  • Rui Yang (RY) NCI
  • Peter Dobrohotoff (PD), CSIRO Aspendale
  • James Monroe (JM) Memorial University


RF: FAFMIP into MOM. Riccardo will do his tests. Don’t expect issues. AH: Did Fabio notice problems? RF: Started with ice formation used by ACCESS wasn’t coded up. Did that and then noticed way things were being done didn’t match with what was in the literature. Mismatch between what Griffies did and Riccardo wrote. Now at a stage where that is now consistent. Talking with Trevor McDougall about equation of state. Coded in MOM not totally consistent with what protocol says should be done. All groups do it a little differently. How badly can we violate the freezing condition and still get reasonable results. If you do this incorrectly can fall below freezing and not form frazil. Behaves ok down to -3 degrees. Hopefully won’t get that far. Are other approaches, have to have a think about that. Will stick with what is done currently. AH: Modifications? RF: Look at other mods to see if we can do it more consistently. AK: More consistently without additional tracer? RF: Still need additional tracer, but more consistent, temp and redistributed heat tracers see the same values of frazil. The way Griffies et al constructed get slightly different values. Not completely clean. Can’t get runwaway with one of the tracers. Safe but not right way. Other ways: fix problem with implicit diffusion. Code as it stands is at least consistent with what has been written up. MC: None of these full TEOS-10? RF: Yes TEOS-10. Also had to fix the conversions to potential temperature. MC: Dealing with salinity etc? RF: Simplified version. Need these changes to do FAFMIP correctly.
AH: Any other ramifications? RF: None. All changes only take place in this style of experiment. Everything separate from other experiments. Only issue was prognostic versus pot temp.
AH: Merged independent of the WOMBAT stuff? RF: No. WOMBAT stuff relies on changes on ocean_sbc. Have to rebase. Get FAFMIP in first.


 RF: Haven’t had a chance to sit with Matear and test it properly. Just a few changes needed from current code. Hopefully pin down Matear. AH: Hakase with WOMBAT  in tenth? RF: Yes. Hakase will test. Currently inputting winds via a file rather than in through coupler. MC: Richard Matear is working directly with Hakase.
RF: Few lines in the coupler that I have to add and a namelist item. In namcouple file need to pass 10m winds. It is in CM2 code, but not in OM2. AH: Can Hakase work with ice BGC stuff in his current setup? Is this slowing him down? RF: No idea.
AH: Few weeks? RF: Have to rebase WOMBAT stuff.

CICE Mushy ice

RF: Code suddenly got changed and altered and no-one knew why? AH: Nick been keeping our codebase up to CICE6. RF: He made other changes that caused problems. That code also moved to CICE5 svn repository. AH: Backporting to CICE5? A lot of assumed logic in those code changes. RF: Have to familiar with POP code makes salinity changes. Doesn’t go through the surface like MOM. The clause where


“this is done elsewhere”, not true for all models. Nowhere in the code those salt fluxes are being calculated. AK: Proof in runs, results show drift. RF: Looking at it, needs that if clause removed for coupling to MOM. AH: We’re not part of any CICE6 test suite so they can’t spot errors. AK: Elizabeth Hunke said consortium was open, anyone can join. Have a comprehensive testing regimen. Get more involved so they test our use cases? AH: Definitely need more oversight on code changes into CICE. JM: Any testing when code changes added to CICE5? AH: Not currently no. Nic has some scheduled Jenkins tests but not sure on the status of those.

AK: Hit problem as using mushy ice. Wouldn’t see it otherwise. Using to overcome bug in other scheme, but don’t really want to use it. Slow, don’t need. AH: Can we fix it? AK: Iterative solver fails in high res case. Happens in fresh water regions with low ice concentration. Had intended to dig down more. AH: Would struggle to find this bug anyway as we wouldn’t routinely test tenth.
AH: Fixed now. AK: Not sure about any other problems with changing parameter setting. Took a lot of digging. AH: don’t want science changes without reason

Ob runoff

AK: Not sure how important this is. Shows how runoff code can fail. Cut away a lot of the Ob estuary due to small grid cells causing instabilities. Runoff is done on the fly. Find all runoff that is on land, move to  nearest coastline. Then check for high runoff and spread out if over threshold. Some runoff goes to embayment to the west. Changes to the Ob means that is the nearest bit of ocean. GitHub issue
Not sure how important it is. Similar issue with spreading out. Uses kdtree to find neighbouring points. Doesn’t account if there is land between those points. JM: Can tunnel. AK: What could be done to make land impassable.
JM: Resolution on that discussion?
AK: Not sure high enough priority to spend time on. AH: Use connectivity? Like used to find isolated water bodies. Move land runoff to nearest connected wet cell. AK: Depends on runoff being ocean in the first place? AH: Yes. RF: If can get to right place and just smear it out and use neighbouring ocean points. AH: Is all JRA55 runoff currently on a wet cell on the JRA55 grid? AK: Don’t know if it is a wet cell, it is on the coast. AH: Need to look into that.
AH: How important? AK: Not paying close attention Arctic. Correct volume of fresh water, just in slightly wrong location. Already severe liberties at that location.. Points to failure mode of this method. Can cross land.

Splitting FMS and other components

AH: You want to talk about other components as well Russ?
RF: If we start doing things like that to MOM repo. Will that affect anyone else who already has stuff from there? Cause problems if they want to update if we move to different setup?
AK:  Proposal to put FMS codebase into different repo? AH: Yes. AH: Can’t compile without pulling from another repo. RF: Not sure how it would all work. Use submodules? JM: In submodule right now? RF: Not for MOM5.
AH: I proposed to use CMake to create an alternate way of compiling to pull in those libraries from external repos. Could keep the FMS directory in the repo, but at some point the MOM5 code may use features in an updated FMS that are incompatible. However, they can always pull from a previous commit. Could tag a commit as the last one that had FMS included. Marshall did update FMS in the past. Desirable to go this way, to have a tighter coupling with changes in FMS, put in pull requests to main repo for features we want.
AH: Got CMake working for half the builds. Super simple to swap out external library, already compile it separately. Will finish this so people can test as proof of concept.

Langmuir KPP

AK: Progress with ACCESS-CM2. Turned on langmuir param for kpp and improved Antarctic intermediate water. Should we turn it on for OM2? RF: Our coupled runs got improvement in southern ocean. Getting shallow summer mixed layers. Helped deepen them a little bit. Different types of simulations, but work in the right direction.
RF: Not sure if that is an issue mixed layers in southern ocean over summer? If shallow, could be good. AH: Turn on/off or parameter? RF: Just turn on/off. Pretty sure I changed ACCESSOM2 to get wind coming through. Might need change in namcouple. AK: Need wind velocity as well as stress through compiler? RF: Two ways. Both have been enabled. Standard to pass 10m winds as well as stresses. Other way, if don’t pass winds, flag in kpp scheme can derive 10m winds. MOM6 does it that way. Pass through stress and calculated 10m. AH: Would still work without passing winds? RF: If forcing model with stresses and don’t have winds, this is an alternate way. Not being used currently as most models can pass wind.
AK: Might be a good time to compare OM2 and CM2. Perhaps there are beneficial changes from one or the other? Might just be model specific changes?  AH: How would this happen? AK: Maybe a meeting. Sent an email to Dave and Peter. Look at the namelists and input files.

Other updates

PD: Not up too much. Interested in getting models aligned and best outcomes for both. Maybe have a small VC and discuss. A fairly complicated set of outputs, suites etc. Can be difficult navigating this structure. Definitely encourage talking about it.
AH: What is the status of your runs? PD: PI control is up to year 950. A lot of that is pinup. Historical forked around yr 900, and a 4x historical. This is CM2. No carbon cycle. Two submissions, ACCESS-ESM-1.5. Old atmosphere, cice, updated MOM. ACCESS-CM2 is much newer atmosphere, full aerosol scheme, 5-6x slower, but no carbon cycle. ESM is a lot further along. CM2 is  not as advanced. Took some time to reach equilibrium. AH: Happy with results? PD: Yeah, seems pretty  good. Climate sensitivity seems about right. Sensitivity is a lot higher for CMIP6 than CMIP5.
JM: Will attend meetings going forward. To complement some stuff Angus is doing on the cookbook.