ACCESS-OM2 at the CLEx Winter School

This week saw the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science hold its annual Winter School. This year’s edition is on modelling the climate system, hosted by the University of Melbourne. Yesterday was “Oceans Day” at the Winter School, and the highlight was an afternoon lab session based on ACCESS-OM2. Tasks included:

  • To run the ACCESS-OM2 model (about 65 of the 70 students managed to do this); and
  • To analyse some existing ACCESS-OM2 model output using the COSIMA cookbook (most students also completed this, with about a third of students producing great plots to show some new and intriguing results).

Progress was enabled by erstwhile helpers from CLEx’s CMS Team – Aidan, Claire Holger, Paola and Scott!

ACCESS-OM2 Workshop
Feverishly running ACCESS-OM2 at the 2019 CLEx Winter School.