Data available: 0.1° 1958-2018 ACCESS-OM2 IAF runs

Announcement (updated 20 March 2023):

Over 178Tb of model output data from four consecutive 61-year (1958-2018) runs with COSIMA’s ACCESS-OM2-01 0.1-degree global coupled ocean – sea ice model is now available for anyone to use (see conditions below). This is part of a suite of control experiments at different resolutions, listed here.

Data access

We recommend using the COSIMA Cookbook to access and analyse this data, which is all catalogued in the default cookbook database. A good place to start is the data explorer, which will give an overview of the data available in this experiment (and many others).

Alternatively, the data can be directly accessed at NCI, mostly from
and with some (see details below) from
/g/data/ik11/outputs/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle3 and
/g/data/ik11/outputs/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle4_jra55v150_extension. You can find all the relevant ocean (but not sea ice) output files based on their names – e.g. this lists all the 3d daily-mean conservative temperature data in the first 0.1° IAF cycle: ls /g/data/cj50/access-om2/raw-output/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v140_iaf/output*/ocean/*-3d-temp-1-daily-mean-*.nc; the filenames also tell you the ending date.

You will need to be a member of the cj50 and ik11 groups to access this data directly or via the cookbook – apply at if needed.

The cj50 subset of the data (149TB) can be downloaded from here for those not on NCI.

Overview of experiment

The first cycle (01deg_jra55v140_iaf) was run under interannually-varying JRA55-do v1.4.0 forcing from 1 Jan 1958 to 31 Dec 2018, starting from rest with World Ocean Atlas 2013 v2 climatological temperature and salinity. The run configuration history is in the 01deg_jra55v140_iaf branch in the 01deg_jra55_iaf repository. It is based on that used for Kiss et al. (2020) but has many improvements to the forcing, initial conditions, parameters and code which will be documented soon. Summary details of each submitted run are tabulated (and searchable) here.

The second cycle (01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle2) continues from the end of the first cycle, with an identical configuration except that its initial condition was the final ocean and sea ice state of the first cycle, and some differences in the output variables. The run configuration history is in the 01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle2 branch and summary details of each submitted run are here.

Similarly, the third cycle (01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle3) continues from the end of cycle 2, with different output variables. The run configuration history is in the 01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle3 branch and summary details of each submitted run are here.

The fourth cycle (01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle4) and its extension are the only runs to contain biogeochemistry; this is mainly in the ocean, but also coupled to sea ice algae and nutrient. Cycle 4 continues from the end of cycle 3, with different output variables. Oxygen was initialised at 1 Jan 1979, and the remaining BGC tracers were initialised at 1 Jan 1958. BGC tracers have no effect on the physical state, and oxygen has no effect on other BGC tracers. The run configuration history is in the 01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle4 branch and summary details of each submitted run are here.

01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle4_jra55v150_extension extends cycle 4 (including BGC) from 1 Jan 2019 to several months behind the present day, forced by JRA55-do v1.5.0 (2019 only) and v1.5.0.1 (1 Jan 2020 onwards) instead of v1.4.0. Diagnostics are the same as the end of cycle 4. The run configuration history is in the 01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle4_jra55v150_extension branch and summary details of each submitted run are here.

Further details on these runs are given in
/g/data/cj50/access-om2/raw-output/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v140_iaf*/metadata.yaml and

There are many outputs available for the entirety of all cycles with additional outputs available only in particular cycles or years (see below for details).
MOM5 ocean model outputs are saved under self-explanatory filenames in
and CICE5 sea ice model outputs are in
(if there are too many files to list with ls, narrow it down, e.g. by including the year, e.g. *2000*.nc)

Annual restarts (on 1 Jan each year) are also available at
for anyone who may wish to re-run a segment with different diagnostics or branch off a perturbation experiment.

Conditions of use:
We request that users of this or other COSIMA model code or output data:

    1. consider citing Kiss et al. (2020) []
    2. include an acknowledgement such as the following:
      The authors thank the Consortium for Ocean-Sea Ice Modelling in Australia (COSIMA;, for making the ACCESS-OM2 suite of models available at Model runs were undertaken with the assistance of resources from the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), which is supported by the Australian Government.
    3. let us know of any publications which use these models or data so we can add them to our list.

Details of model outputs available


  • You may find this partial list of diagnostics useful for decoding the MOM diagnostic names.
  • temp is conservative temperature, so surface_temptemp_surface_ave and bottom_temp are also conservative temperature, rather than the potential temperature specified in the OMIP protocol (Griffies et al., 2016) – see this discussion. If you need potential temperature, use pot_temp or surface_pot_temp.

⚠️ Errata:

Cycle 1 (66Tb): /g/data/cj50/access-om2/raw-output/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v140_iaf

  • 1 Jan 1958 to 31 Dec 2018
    • MOM ocean data
      • Daily mean 2d bottom_temp, frazil_3d_int_z, mld, pme_river, sea_level, sfc_hflux_coupler, sfc_hflux_from_runoff, sfc_hflux_pme, surface_salt, surface_temp
      • Monthly mean 3d age_global, buoyfreq2_wt, diff_cbt_t, dzt, pot_rho_0, pot_rho_2, pot_temp, salt, temp_xflux_adv, temp_yflux_adv, temp, tx_trans, ty_trans_nrho_submeso, ty_trans_rho, ty_trans_submeso, ty_trans, u, v, vert_pv, wt
      • Monthly mean 2d bmf_u, bmf_v, ekman_we, eta_nonbouss, evap_heat, evap, fprec_melt_heat, fprec, frazil_3d_int_z, lprec, lw_heat, melt, mh_flux, mld, net_sfc_heating, pbot_t, pme_net, pme_river, river, runoff, sea_level_sq, sea_level, sens_heat, sfc_hflux_coupler, sfc_hflux_from_runoff, sfc_hflux_pme, sfc_salt_flux_coupler, sfc_salt_flux_ice, sfc_salt_flux_restore, surface_salt, surface_temp, swflx, tau_x, tau_y, temp_int_rhodz, temp_xflux_adv_int_z, temp_yflux_adv_int_z, tx_trans_int_z, wfiform, wfimelt
      • Monthly mean squared 3d u, v
      • Monthly max 2d mld
      • Monthly min 2d surface_temp
      • Daily snapshot scalar eta_global, ke_tot, pe_tot, rhoave, salt_global_ave, salt_surface_ave, temp_global_ave, temp_surface_ave, total_net_sfc_heating, total_ocean_evap_heat, total_ocean_evap, total_ocean_fprec_melt_heat, total_ocean_fprec, total_ocean_heat, total_ocean_hflux_coupler, total_ocean_hflux_evap, total_ocean_hflux_prec, total_ocean_lprec, total_ocean_lw_heat, total_ocean_melt, total_ocean_mh_flux, total_ocean_pme_river, total_ocean_river_heat, total_ocean_river, total_ocean_runoff_heat, total_ocean_runoff, total_ocean_salt, total_ocean_sens_heat, total_ocean_sfc_salt_flux_coupler, total_ocean_swflx_vis, total_ocean_swflx
    • CICE sea ice data
      • Daily mean 2d aice, congel, dvidtd, dvidtt, frazil, frzmlt, hi, hs, snoice, uvel, vvel
      • Monthly mean 2d aice, alvl, ardg, congel, daidtd, daidtt, divu, dvidtd, dvidtt, flatn_ai, fmeltt_ai, frazil, frzmlt, fsalt, fsalt_ai, hi, hs, iage, opening, shear, snoice, strairx, strairy, strength, tsfc, uvel, vvel
  • 1 Jan 1987 to 31 Dec 2018 only
    • MOM ocean data
      • monthly mean 3d bih_fric_u, bih_fric_v, u_dot_grad_vert_pv
      • daily mean 3d salt, temp, u, v, wt
    • CICE sea ice data
      • daily mean 2d aicen, vicen
  • 1 Jan 2012 to 31 Dec 2018 only
    • MOM ocean data
      • monthly snapshot 2d sea_level
      • monthly snapshot 3d salt, temp, u, v, vert_pv and vorticity_z

Cycle 2 (21Tb): /g/data/cj50/access-om2/raw-output/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle2

  • 1 Jan 1958 to 31 Dec 2018
    • MOM ocean data
      • Daily mean 2d bottom_temp, frazil_3d_int_z, mld, pme_river, sea_level, sfc_hflux_coupler, sfc_hflux_from_runoff, sfc_hflux_pme, surface_salt, surface_temp
      • Monthly mean 3d age_global, bih_fric_u, bih_fric_v, buoyfreq2_wt, diff_cbt_t, dzt, pot_rho_0, pot_rho_2, pot_temp, salt, temp_xflux_adv, temp_yflux_adv, temp, tx_trans, ty_trans_nrho_submeso, ty_trans_rho, ty_trans_submeso, ty_trans, u_dot_grad_vert_pv, u, v, vert_pv, wt
      • Monthly mean 2d bmf_u, bmf_v, ekman_we, eta_nonbouss, evap_heat, evap, fprec_melt_heat, fprec, frazil_3d_int_z, lprec, lw_heat, melt, mh_flux, mld, net_sfc_heating, pbot_t, pme_net, pme_river, river, runoff, sea_level_sq, sea_level, sens_heat, sfc_hflux_coupler, sfc_hflux_from_runoff, sfc_hflux_pme, sfc_salt_flux_coupler, sfc_salt_flux_ice, sfc_salt_flux_restore, surface_salt, surface_temp, swflx, tau_x, tau_y, temp_int_rhodz, temp_xflux_adv_int_z, temp_yflux_adv_int_z, tx_trans_int_z, wfiform, wfimelt
      • Monthly mean squared 3d u, v
      • Monthly max 2d mld
      • Monthly min 2d surface_temp
      • Daily snapshot scalar eta_global, ke_tot, pe_tot, rhoave, salt_global_ave, salt_surface_ave, temp_global_ave, temp_surface_ave, total_net_sfc_heating, total_ocean_evap_heat, total_ocean_evap, total_ocean_fprec_melt_heat, total_ocean_fprec, total_ocean_heat, total_ocean_hflux_coupler, total_ocean_hflux_evap, total_ocean_hflux_prec, total_ocean_lprec, total_ocean_lw_heat, total_ocean_melt, total_ocean_mh_flux, total_ocean_pme_river, total_ocean_river_heat, total_ocean_river, total_ocean_runoff_heat, total_ocean_runoff, total_ocean_salt, total_ocean_sens_heat, total_ocean_sfc_salt_flux_coupler, total_ocean_swflx_vis, total_ocean_swflx
    • CICE sea ice data
      • Daily mean 2d aice, congel, dvidtd, dvidtt, frazil, frzmlt, hi, hs, snoice, uvel, vvel
      • Monthly mean 2d aice, aicen, alvl, ardg, congel, daidtd, daidtt, divu, dvidtd, dvidtt, flatn_ai, fmeltt_ai, frazil, frzmlt, fsalt, fsalt_ai, hi, hs, iage, opening, shear, snoice, strairx, strairy, strength, tsfc, uvel, vvel, vicen
  • 1 April 1971 to 31 Dec 2018 only
    • CICE sea ice data
      • Daily mean 2d fcondtop_ai, fsurf_ai, meltb, melts, meltt, daidtd, daidtt
      • Monthly mean 2d fcondtop_ai, fsurf_ai, meltb, melts, meltt, fresh, dvirdgdt
  • 1 April 1989 to 31 Dec 2018 only
    • CICE sea ice data
      • Daily mean 2d aicen, vicen
  • 1 Oct 1989 to 31 Dec 2018 only
    • MOM ocean data
      • Daily max 2d surface_temp, bottom_temp, sea_level
      • Daily min 2d surface_temp
  • 1 April 1990 to 31 Dec 2018 only
    • MOM ocean data
      • Daily mean 2d usurf, vsurf
  • 1 January 2014 to 31 Dec 2018 only
    • MOM ocean data
      • Daily mean, min, max 2d surface_pot_temp
      • Monthly mean, min 2d surface_pot_temp
    • CICE sea ice data
      • Daily mean 2d sinz, tinz, divu
      • Monthly mean 2d sinz, tinz, strocnx, strocny

Cycle 3 (24 + 25 = 51Tb): mostly in /g/data/cj50/access-om2/raw-output/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle3 but with some (marked in italics) in /g/data/ik11/outputs/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle3

  • 1 Jan 1958 to 31 Dec 2018
    • MOM ocean data
      • Daily mean 3d salt, temp, uhrho_et, vhrho_nt (all but temp are at reduced precision and restricted to south of 60S)
      • Daily mean 2d bottom_temp, frazil_3d_int_z, mld, pme_river, sea_level, sfc_hflux_coupler, sfc_hflux_from_runoff, sfc_hflux_pme, surface_pot_temp, surface_salt, usurf, vsurf
      • Monthly mean 3d age_global, buoyfreq2_wt, diff_cbt_t, dzt, passive_adelie, passive_prydz, passive_ross, passive_weddell, pot_rho_0, pot_rho_2, pot_temp, salt_xflux_adv, salt_yflux_adv, salt, temp_xflux_adv, temp_yflux_adv, temp, tx_trans_rho, tx_trans, ty_trans_nrho_submeso, ty_trans_rho, ty_trans_submeso, ty_trans, u, v, vert_pv, wt
      • Monthly mean 2d bmf_u, bmf_v, ekman_we, eta_nonbouss, evap_heat, evap, fprec_melt_heat, fprec, frazil_3d_int_z, lprec, lw_heat, melt, mh_flux, mld, net_sfc_heating, pbot_t, pme_net, pme_river, river, runoff, sea_level_sq, sea_level, sens_heat, sfc_hflux_coupler, sfc_hflux_from_runoff, sfc_hflux_pme, sfc_salt_flux_coupler, sfc_salt_flux_ice, sfc_salt_flux_restore, surface_pot_temp, surface_salt, swflx, tau_x, tau_y, temp_int_rhodz, temp_xflux_adv_int_z, temp_yflux_adv_int_z, tx_trans_int_z, ty_trans_int_z, wfiform, wfimelt
      • Monthly mean squared 3d u, v
      • Daily max 2d bottom_temp, sea_level, surface_pot_temp
      • Daily min 2d surface_pot_temp
      • Monthly max 2d mld
      • Monthly min 2d surface_pot_temp
      • Daily snapshot scalar eta_global, ke_tot, pe_tot, rhoave, salt_global_ave, salt_surface_ave, temp_global_ave, temp_surface_ave, total_net_sfc_heating, total_ocean_evap_heat, total_ocean_evap, total_ocean_fprec_melt_heat, total_ocean_fprec, total_ocean_heat, total_ocean_hflux_coupler, total_ocean_hflux_evap, total_ocean_hflux_prec, total_ocean_lprec, total_ocean_lw_heat, total_ocean_melt, total_ocean_mh_flux, total_ocean_pme_river, total_ocean_river_heat, total_ocean_river, total_ocean_runoff_heat, total_ocean_runoff, total_ocean_salt, total_ocean_sens_heat, total_ocean_sfc_salt_flux_coupler, total_ocean_swflx_vis, total_ocean_swflx
    • CICE sea ice data
      • Daily mean 2d aice, congel, daidtd, daidtt, divu, dvidtd, dvidtt, fcondtop_ai, frazil, frzmlt, fsurf_ai, hi, hs, meltb, melts, meltt, sinz, snoice, tinz, uvel, vvel
      • Monthly mean 2d aice, aicen, alvl, ardg, congel, daidtd, daidtt, divu, dvidtd, dvidtt, dvirdgdt, fcondtop_ai, flatn_ai, fmeltt_ai, frazil, fresh, frzmlt, fsalt, fsalt_ai, fsurf_ai, hi, hs, iage, meltb, melts, meltt, opening, shear, sinz, snoice, strairx, strairy, strength, strocnx, strocny, tinz, tsfc, uvel, vvel, vicen
  • 1 Jan 1959 to 31 Mar 1963 only
    • MOM ocean data
      • Daily mean 3d passive_adelie, passive_prydz, passive_ross, passive_weddell
  • 1 Jan 2005 to 31 Dec 2018 only
    • MOM ocean data
      • Monthly mean 3d salt_xflux_adv, salt_yflux_adv
  • 1 July 2009 to 31 Dec 2018 only
    • MOM ocean data
      • Monthly mean 3d tx_trans_rho

Cycle 4 (38Tb): /g/data/cj50/access-om2/raw-output/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle4

Includes coupled ocean and sea ice BGC. Note: 2d and 3d ocean BGC data has only 2 – 4 decimal digits of precision.

  • 1 Jan 1958 to 31 Dec 2018
    • MOM ocean physical data
      • Daily mean 2d bottom_temp, frazil_3d_int_z, mld, pme_river, sea_level, sfc_hflux_coupler, sfc_hflux_from_runoff, sfc_hflux_pme, surface_pot_temp, surface_salt, usurf, vsurf
      • Monthly mean 3d age_global, buoyfreq2_wt, diff_cbt_t, dzt, pot_rho_0, pot_rho_2, pot_temp, salt_xflux_adv, salt_yflux_adv, salt, temp_xflux_adv, temp_yflux_adv, temp, tx_trans_rho, tx_trans, ty_trans_nrho_submeso, ty_trans_rho, ty_trans_submeso, ty_trans, u, v, vert_pv, wt
      • Monthly mean 2d bmf_u, bmf_v, ekman_we, eta_nonbouss, evap_heat, evap, fprec_melt_heat, fprec, frazil_3d_int_z, lprec, lw_heat, melt, mh_flux, mld, net_sfc_heating, pbot_t, pme_net, pme_river, river, runoff, sea_level_sq, sea_level, sens_heat, sfc_hflux_coupler, sfc_hflux_from_runoff, sfc_hflux_pme, sfc_salt_flux_coupler, sfc_salt_flux_ice, sfc_salt_flux_restore, surface_pot_temp, surface_salt, swflx, tau_x, tau_y, temp_int_rhodz, temp_xflux_adv_int_z, temp_yflux_adv_int_z, tx_trans_int_z, ty_trans_int_z, wfiform, wfimelt
      • Monthly mean squared 3d u, v
      • Monthly max 2d mld
      • Monthly min 2d surface_pot_temp
      • Daily max 2d bottom_temp, sea_level, surface_pot_temp
      • Daily min 2d surface_pot_temp
      • Daily snapshot scalar eta_global, ke_tot, pe_tot, rhoave, salt_global_ave, salt_surface_ave, temp_global_ave, temp_surface_ave, total_net_sfc_heating, total_ocean_evap_heat, total_ocean_evap, total_ocean_fprec_melt_heat, total_ocean_fprec, total_ocean_heat, total_ocean_hflux_coupler, total_ocean_hflux_evap, total_ocean_hflux_prec, total_ocean_lprec, total_ocean_lw_heat, total_ocean_melt, total_ocean_mh_flux, total_ocean_pme_river, total_ocean_river_heat, total_ocean_river, total_ocean_runoff_heat, total_ocean_runoff, total_ocean_salt, total_ocean_sens_heat, total_ocean_sfc_salt_flux_coupler, total_ocean_swflx_vis, total_ocean_swflx
    • WOMBAT ocean BGC data
      • Monthly mean 3d adic, alk, caco3, det, dic, fe, no3, o2, phy, zoo
      • Monthly mean 2d npp2d, pprod_gross_2d, stf03, stf07, stf09, wdet100
      • Daily snapshot scalar total_aco2_flux, total_co2_flux
    • CICE sea ice data
      • Daily mean 2d aice, congel, daidtd, daidtt, divu, dvidtd, dvidtt, fcondtop_ai, frazil, frzmlt, fsurf_ai, fswthru_ai, hi, hs, meltb, melts, meltt, snoice, uvel, vvel
      • Monthly mean 2d aice, aicen, alidf_ai, alidr_ai, alvdf_ai, alvdr_ai, alvl, ardg, bgc_n_sk, bgc_nit_ml, bgc_nit_sk, congel, daidtd, daidtt, divu, dvidtd, dvidtt, dvirdgdt, fcondtop_ai, flatn_ai, fmeltt_ai, fn_ai, fno_ai, frazil, fresh, frzmlt, fsalt, fsalt_ai, fsurf_ai, fswthru_ai, fswup, hi, hs, iage, meltb, melts, meltt, opening, ppnet, shear, snoice, strairx, strairy, strength, strocnx, strocny, tsfc, uvel, vicen, vvel
  • 1 Jan 1958 to 31 Oct 1959 and 1 Jan 2014 to 31 Dec 2016 only
    • CICE sea ice data
      • Daily mean 2d sinz, tinz
      • Monthly mean 2d sinz, tinz
  • 1 April 1975 to 31 Dec 2018 only
    • CICE sea ice data
      • Monthly mean 2d meltl
  • 1 January 1979 to 31 Dec 2018 only
    • WOMBAT ocean BGC data
      • Daily mean 3d, sampled every 5 days (but a possible jump 1 Jan 2016) adic, dic, fe, no3, o2, phy
      • Daily mean 2d adic_int100, adic_intmld, det_int100, det_intmld, dic_int100, dic_intmld, fe_int100, fe_intmld, no3_int100, no3_intmld, npp_int100, npp_intmld, npp1, npp2d, o2_int100, o2_intmld, paco2, pco2, phy_int100, phy_intmld, pprod_gross_2d, pprod_gross_int100, pprod_gross_intmld, radbio_int100, radbio_intmld, radbio1, stf03, stf07, stf09, surface_adic, surface_alk, surface_caco3, surface_det, surface_dic, surface_fe, surface_no3, surface_o2, surface_phy, surface_zoo, wdet100
      • Monthly mean 3d adic_xflux_adv, adic_yflux_adv, adic_zflux_adv, caco3_xflux_adv, caco3_yflux_adv, caco3_zflux_adv, det_xflux_adv, det_yflux_adv, det_zflux_adv, dic_xflux_adv, dic_yflux_adv, dic_zflux_adv, fe_xflux_adv, fe_yflux_adv, fe_zflux_adv, no3_xflux_adv, no3_yflux_adv, no3_zflux_adv, npp3d, o2_xflux_adv, o2_yflux_adv, o2_zflux_adv, pprod_gross, radbio3d, src01, src03, src05, src06, src07, src09, src10
  • 1 January 1987 to 31 Dec 2018 only
    • CICE sea ice data
      • Daily mean 2d albsni, fhocn_ai, fswabs_ai, dardg2dt, bgc_n_sk, bgc_nit_sk, ppnet
      • Monthly mean 2d albsni, fhocn_ai, fswabs_ai, dardg2dt
  • 1 Jan 2014 to 31 Dec 2016 only
    • MOM ocean physical data
      • 6-hourly mean 2d mld, surface_pot_temp, surface_salt
    • WOMBAT ocean BGC data
      • 6-hourly mean 2d radbio1, surface_fe, surface_no3, surface_o2, surface_phy
    • CICE sea ice data
      • 6-hourly mean 2d aice
      • Daily mean 2d alidf_ai, alidr_ai, alvdf_ai, alvdr_ai, fswup
  • 1 Jan 2016 to 31 Dec 2016 only
    • CICE sea ice data
      • 3-hourly mean 2d divu, shear, uvel, vvel
      • Daily mean 2d aicen, vicen

Cycle 4 extension, using JRA55-do v1.5.0 for 2019, and JRA55-do v1.5.0.1 thereafter (2.6Tb): /g/data/ik11/outputs/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle4_jra55v150_extension. Outputs are the same as the end of cycle 4.