Ice Algae Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (IAMIP2)


This website provides the information regarding the input and output data of IAMIP2. For a full description, please refer to the protocol paper (Hayashida et al., 2021). For questions, email Hakase Hayashida (JAMSTEC/UTAS).

Hayashida, H., Jin, M., Steiner, N. S., Swart, N. C., Watanabe, E., Fiedler, R., Hogg, A. McC., Kiss, A. E., Matear, R. J., and Strutton, P. G.: Ice Algae Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (IAMIP2), Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 6847–6861,, 2021.

The IAMIP2 modellers and collaborators meet online once a month to discuss the progress and plans. If you are interested in joining our meetings, please contact Hakase Hayashida.

Input data for conducting IAMIP2 experiments

Historical (1958-2018)

The historical experiment is done by prescribing the following initial and boundary conditions. Click on the links below to download the data.

Projections (2015-2100)

There are four projections driven by the atmospheric outputs of two CMIP6 models (CMCC-ESM2, EC-Earth3) under two SSP scenarios (ssp126 and ssp585). These datasets are interpolated onto the JRA55-do grid and are available from the NCI Data Collection:

Please see this Wiki page for the instructions on how to download these forcing data using wget.

Atmospheric CO2 concentrations should be prescribed to the global and monthly mean values described by Meinshausen et al. (2017). These are available from the following website:

Exclusion (2015-2100)

The exclusion experiment is done in the identical setup as the historical experiment except that the sea-ice ecosystem component is excluded from the model.

Control (1958-2100)

The control run is done by applying the repeat-year forcing of JRA55-do v1.4.0 over 01/May/1990 – 30/April/1991. Please contact Hakase if you wish to obtain this data.

Links for more details


Currently published outputs:

Note: Changes to the diagnostics in Table 1 of Hayashida et al. (2021):

  1. Replace sithick by sivol (the grid cell average ice thickness)

  2. Replace sisnthick by snvol (the grid cell average snow thickness)

  3. All bottom-ice quantities should be provided as grid cell averages.

The links to other IAMIP2 products will be available here when it is ready!

WARM buoys

Arctic buoys data for model evaluation/comparison:

  • buoys 1-4:
  • buoys 5,6:
  • buoys 7-9: please request to Victoria Hill.



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