New Repeat Year Spinup

We are currently undertaking a new spinup simulation using our highest resolution ocean-sea ice model: ACCESS-OM2-01. Our goal is to run at least 50 years of this simulation in the third quarter of 2019, using the  1990-91 Repeat Year Forcing strategy (that we call RYF9091). After the first month of the quarter, we have managed to complete 23 years of the simulation.

Early indications are that temperature and ice biases are reduced in the new simulation (compared with our previous RYF8485 spinup) but that many large scale circulation metrics, such as ACC transport) are largely unchanged.

Globally Averaged temperature from RYF9091 spinup.
ACC Transport from RYF9091 spinup

For those who are interested, this simulation is being stored in /g/data3/hh5/tmp/cosima/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v13_ryf9091. Timeseries describing the simulation, periodically updated, can be found here, and additional diagnostics are available upon request.