SAM cluster workshop, 20 – 21 Feb 2019 – UPDATED

UPDATE: see here for additional details including the workshop program.

SAM cluster workshop

When: 20 – 21 February 2019

Where: Hobart

Hi all,

As you know we are keen to have a workshop in February of this group and after many discussions with people at the workshop and various others we have decided to hold it in Hobart from Wednesday February 20 – Thursday February 21. This overlaps with a sea-ice modelling workshop being held on Tuesday February 19, with the idea that the Wednesday morning will be a joint session between the two on SAM/sea-ice topics then lead into other ‘SAM’ topics from Wednesday afternoon through to Thursday. We will end the workshop early enough on Thursday afternoon so that everyone should be able to travel home that evening.

Given one of our main goals for the ‘SAM cluster’ is to bring together the atmos-ocean-ice communities interested in the SH extratropics, this will be a great opportunity to bring us together with sea-ice modellers.

Apologies for those for which these dates and venues don’t suit. We will try our best to ensure that video-conferencing is available for those who would like to join remotely. So for now, save the dates and I’ll put together a more detailed workshop announcement in the coming days.

Julie, Matt, Andy and Nerilie

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