Sea-ice working group: Notes 20180228


28 Feb 2018, 10:00 - 11:30am
Meeting held on Zoom.

Present: Andrew Kiss, Adele Morrison, (anyone else at ANU?), Andrew Hogg, Siobhan O'Farrell, Simon Marland,
         Fabio Diaz, xxx (1 other PhD student at CSIRO Aspendale), Will Hobbs, Petra Heil and from 11am Paul Spence.
Apologies: Nicolas Hannah, Matt E.

1) Recap of the AMOS presentation on COSIMA results so far.
ACCESS-OM2 suite (Andrew Kiss)
Based on MOM5, CICE5, OASIS3, Repeat year atm forcing.
Tripolar grid 1/10^o, 75 vertical resolution
Slow to run: 17hours/yr; 5559 PEs; dt = 450s   --> eddy resolving
Tripolar grid 1^o, 75 vertical resolution
              6mins/yr;  252 PEs; dt = 5400s   
Previous issue: 
Negative solution: Russ Fiedler fixed
         If salinity locally is less than 5 PSU, then salinity comes from the 
Sea-ice thickness (1month average): Shows neat DKPs in Arctic.
2) Simon M: 
Fabio is working: Restoring 1^oC: NCEP/NCAR reanal rather than core runoff.
3) ACCESS-OM2 CICE config

Current CICE config in the coupled ocean/sea-ice mode:
4 ice layers plus snow
5 thickness categories
mushy ice TD
classic EVP Dynamics
melt poinds 
JRA55 - do V1.3 1984/85 repeat years forcing, 0.5625^o, 3 hourly
SSS restoring to WOA 2013 V2
1200 PUs for CICE + 4358PUS for MOM + 1 for Matm
--> No polynyas in 1/10^o even though JRA has good katabatics (Adele Land)
     --> look at LHF + net ice production
Ice volume in 1/10^o in Arctcic is too high: in access of 30Mio km^3
  Piomass comparison
* spin up
* compatible physical parameters in Mom & CICE   <-- not working
- TC using mushy ice TD but Bitz & Lipscome is xxx (? cannot read my notes)
- EVP or EAP? --> EVP seems to do ok producing DKPs  --> Use revised EVP.
4) What to use for validation? 
Simon M: Tamura's polynya ice prodution.
5) IcePack has been released (Petra)
Can it be ported to NCI?
6) Timing of COSIMA configs? 
Nick H. is still using/working on MOM5.
Hence MOM6 work is delayed. 
 But Los Alamos are doing MOM (?? which version) with CICE6.
7) Next steps: 
Start MOM6 with SIS2 for ease!!!
 1) Timing of advance and retreat   --> Siobhan OF: That is controlled by JRA forcing.
 2) Ice motion?  AVHRR data to compare  <-- Follow this one up.
8) Various:
* John Spence: 
Compare namelists with those used by others.
PH: Check with what the Arctic high-res folks use. 

* SOF: European updata: LIM2/3, Gelato (CERFACS and UKMet).
  --> Access: Where to couple ?  <-- new UKMet model: 2019 to do runs.
                                     --> C-grid (NEMO?)
Next meeting: 
At COSIMA workshop, Canberra, 08/09 May 2018