Date: 2nd August 2016
- Marshall Ward (NCI, Chair)
- Aidan Heerdegen (ARCCSS)
- Nic Hannah (ARCCSS/Breakaway Labs)
- Justin Freeman (BoM)
- Russ Fiedler and Matt Chamberlain (CSIRO Hobart)
Agreed to have monthly videoconference meetings.
COSIMA model definitions on website
- Who is the audience? Agreed should pitch it at novice researcher/student with no links to existing community
- Should start by using ourselves as the audience, define them for our use and expand from there
- First test case should be the ACCESS-OM-025 (Quarter degree MOM+CICE+OASIS-mct)
- CICE is currently housed on CWS github repo
- Agreed we need consolidated location for model code. Nic suggested a git repo pulling in model components using submodules. This makes it clean to install and allows for control of versions via explicit commits or tags
- COSIMA name is taken on github, so agreed to use existing OceansAus group
- Minimal technical detail on website, instead point to github repo
Input data
- Data store for model input files – decided to use the ua8 Ramadda location which is currently used for MOM5 test cases
- Need data versioning
- Need example outputs, and timings. Direct users to run the model and compare their outputs and timings to those supplied to verify model integrity and performance
- Need continuous integration to test against these outputs. Nic currently running a dozen test cases on a Jenkins server for MOM5. Can add these tests too.
- Essential to allow upgrading of model components with confidence they have not affected model integrity and performance.
- Desirable to also have related tools and utilities on the OceansAus github site
- Concerns that the site collect crufty tools, so make some standard for what constitutes a repo: utility, support and documentation?
Model Support
- How do we support these models? Decided the existing MOM mailing list would suffice for general user questions. Stephen Griffies has been interested in supporting a MOM-CICE configuration. Also github issues can be used for specific code issues.
Mission Statement
- Desirable to have a general mission statement about what the aims of the TWG
- Any additional invitees? Perhaps Mirko from the BoM? Open invitation to anyone who wants to attend and contribute
General technical discussion
- Aidan described progress with improving vertical grid in MOM-SIS 0.1 deg config
- Justin working on making his real time flythrough data-vis software available on raijin, Maybe use Russ’ BRAN2015 reanalysis dataset with recent El Nino
- Matt is adding sea-ice to the OFAM grid and tuning parameters to reduce SST biases. Turning off neutral physics helped.
- Ben Evans wants a WOMBAT test case, perhaps use the 0.25 deg runs Matt did with Paul Spence?
- Marshall has updated FMS and he and Nic have used Jenkins testing to find and fix bugs. Close to being added to master branch of MOM5
COSIMA website
- A lot of enthusiasm for contributing blog posts to website from technical perspective.
- Aidan to add Nic to OceansAus group
- Nic to create initial ACCESS-OM-025 repo with submodules for MOM5/CICE/OASIS-mct
- Justin volunteered to test out initial model config as “new user”
- Marshall to write draft mission statement