MOM-SIS-01 is our previous 1/10° ocean-sea ice model (now deprecated and replaced by ACCESS-OM2-01). It uses MOM5.1 with 0.1° lateral resolution at the Equator, tripolar in the north and Mercator projection down to 65°S and 75 vertical levels. The sea ice is SIS, coupled with the FMS coupler. The model can be forced using either CORE or JRA forcing sets. The model has been used in a range perturbation experiments and publications.
Recent publications using this model configuration:
Stewart, K. D., A. M. Hogg, S. M. Griffies, A. P. Heerdegen, M. L. Ward, P. Spence, and M. H. England, 2017: Vertical resolution of baroclinic modes in global ocean models. Ocean Modell, 113, 50–65, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.03.012.

fields of the 75 and 50 vertical level simulations at 1000m and 3000m depth.