COSIMA Linkage Project

The COSIMA consortium is partly supported by an ARC Linkage Project. This project is now active, following sign-off from all partners in December 2016. The management committee for the project formally met for the first time on Friday 9th December. Following are abbreviated minutes from the meeting which outline our plans for 2017:

  1. To advertise for a Postdoctoral/Research Fellow to coordinate COSIMA projects.
  2. To enhance the vertical resolution of existing MOM5-SIS 0.1° model, with no change in horizontal resolution;
  3. To enhance model bathymetry in coastal regions to take advantage of reduced minimum depth stemming from vertical resolution changes;
  4. To couple MOM5 with CICE at 0.1° using OASIS3-MCT (we have a contract with Nic Hannah from Double Precision to perform this work);
  5. To evaluate, refine, optimise and document the new model configuration.

Furthermore, we have confirmed that the 2017 COSIMA meeting will be in Sydney on May 25-26.